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Colorbond Roofing Mentone

Colorbond Roofing Mentone


This Mentone customer contacted Rainshield Roofing to aid in their Colorbond roofing needs. On first inception of the Mentone home it was made clear that the roof tiles were in poor condition and definitely needing replacement. The Mentone customer choose a Colorbond replacement for the benefits it has over roof tiles, you can find out more about these benefits on our Colorbond roofing page HERE.

The scope of works on this Mentone home included the stripping and disposal of all roof tiles. Once this was completed new metal battens were installed, this was to ensure the Colorbond roof sheets will stay secured and maintain their strength for years to come. Additional to help with the thermal efficiency of the Mentone home, a 55mm insulation blanket was installed.

Once the blanket was rolled and fitted, the Colorbond custom orb sheets in the Colorbond colour Winspray were next to be secured to the now insulated roof. The Mentone customer also wished to have the current skylight replaced with one that would match the modern look of their new roof.

At Colorbond Roofing Mentone project completion the customer was so satisfied with Rainshield Roofings professionalism and masterful workmanship, that the Menttone customer agreed to have their Mentone home displayed on Rainshield Roofings website as a testament to the excellent services received.


If you would like to know more about Colorbond Roofing Mentone check out our re-roof VIDEO here on your Colorbond Roofing page or call our office today on 1300 218 889 and speak to an experienced supervisor about free inspection and quote.

Colorbond Roofing Mentone
Colorbond Roofing Mentone
Colorbond Roofing Mentone
Tel: 1300 218 889
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