Towering at over five stories, this South Yarra Colorbond Roofing Project was a huge undertaking, but one that our team was able to achieve with great success!
Wedged between several busy apartment complexes, this South Yarra strata development was experiencing issues stemming from a rusting roof, lack of pitch and old guttering.
Over the course of the project our team was able to bring this roof back to industry standard by regrading the pitch, installing new Kliplock .48 profile sheets (in the committees’ colour of choice) and attaching new guttering.
Additionally, we increased the size of the guttering, downpipes and added rainheads to help ensure the property will be able to deal with Melbourne’s temperamental weather.
Lastly, we added Colorbond capping to all brick parapets to tie them into the building’s new look, while helping increase their longevity and weatherproof them from the elements.
We think the finished product looks fantastic! Have look at the attached gallery and see for yourself.
If you would like to know more about Colorbond Roofing South Yarra or Roof Replacement South Yarra, Check out our roof replacement VIDEO on our Colorbond Roofing page or call us today and speak to one of our experienced supervisors for a free inspection and quote. Call now on 1300 218 889